Terms & Conditions
searchyourrentals.com reinforce no responsibility for the reliability applicable to the accommodation/rental offers and deals by property owners using the searchyourrentals.com website, we are not responsible for the state of vacation rental property, neither the psyche and behavior of the owner. All the declarations made by property's owner or the potential renter completely belong to him and we strongly recommend you to confirm the sustainability of each offer and state of each property. Please prevail terms and conditions in writing and signed from him to ensure any future action, as we are not responsible for anything regarding to all these.
Price and rentals of these vacation rental properties are subject to change without notice and they are completely on inclination of the owner.
searchyourrentals.com is dedicated and working on every aspect to save possible fraud listings with the help of it its Fraud Watch department. After receiving sufficient evidence and related documents, we will deal with any enquiry regarding the fraudulent with uttermost exigency and if a satisfactory reply will not be received within 48 hours, then we will take some actions such as excluding the listing of the property until the issue is resolved.
searchyourrentals is not responsible in any manner for the renters of property. It will be the solitary responsibility of the vacation rental property's owner to authorize the quality, standard, bearing and suitability of the renter. We are not legally answerable for any of his acts, behavior, or failure to produce rent on given time. We strongly recommend the practice to specify all the terms and conditions in writing. So, you do not have to face any kind of challenging situation like that.
searchyourrentals.com reserves the right to modify or change the information and other aspects related to the listing of package details without any prior notice.
We do not entertain any type of refunds after a transparency period of 7 days as per the terms of our agreement with you. When you, sign up with us or purchase any of our package, as according to your suitability, you are liable to pay for the function of marketing and advertising on and via our website as this will be great for you, and help you getting more business. You are also bound to pay for listing and maintenance of your page separately, if we are doing any. If we will make any change in these conditions based on the mutual agreement of the two parties then it will be based on proportional basis.
search your rentals is here, to generate regular business opportunities and profits for you. For that purpose, we would love to have your suggestions and supervise certain process involved in the management of your accounts. Now this monitoring may invite some extra investment on some given operations as per our preference. For example- when we go for an exercise related to the SEO.
Either you are already a customer or now started availing the services of searchyourrentals.com, it is implicit that you agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. The photos, videos and other details posted on our 'No booking fee vacation rental' website will remain the sole property of the owner and he or she has all the rights to publish and project further as per his inclination.
searchyourrentals.com however has this absolute right to remove any web page as per their choice and deny further advertising of any property, property owner as per their disposition.
Giving satisfaction to a customer is our first and ultimate goal. We flourish by helping you in creating more business. We are always ready to take all your valuable inputs that will illuminate us from time to time.
searchyourrentals.com does not suggest paying for any vacation rentals membership package through Money Gram or Western Union or money order or not even through any other cash service.
searchyourrentals.com prefers to use most secured payments options with the help of stripe.com, this accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, e-Check and direct PayPal transfers. 7 Day Money Back Guarantee. We offer a 7 day money back guarantee. If you are willing to cancel the deal then we will count these days from the sign up date of your property. Here we will refund the payment in full to your credit card
Refunds after completion of transparency period of 7 days with valid Reason: We do not guarantee any refunds after the first seven days of the sign up. However, it can be entertained in only one condition when a person or the rental owner will produce considerable reasons for the same. If we will find your reasons valid and if we don't have a workable solution to offer or provide for the same, then in this case your request for the return of the money can be entertained. But this never gives it the status of being a necessary thing by any standards.
You can contact our office by email to info@searchyourrentals.com .
We, at search your rentals give freedom to vacation rental property's owner that, he or she can cancel his or her membership at any given time. After receiving a registered email we will cancel them within a span of 48 hours. The time and the date of the email will be considered as an official declaration of the same. No refunds or prorated credits will be entertained in this condition.
searchyourrentals.com membership is very much transferable and we will not levy any extra charges on them. Here you need to send a registered Email notice to us and after the verification of the same this transfer will be executed within or after 48 hours of the request.
Newsletter Promotion
When you provide your e-mail address, name or other information to us in connection with your use or access to the Site, any service or tool provided on the Site or otherwise, you agree to allow the Site and its affiliated websites to add your e-mail address, name or other information provided to our database of users. You may receive one or more promotional e-mails from the Site. You are welcome to opt not to receive such promotional e-mails from the Site or such affiliates' websites at any time. Please review our Terms & Conditions for more information regarding our email and other data collection practices and safeguards, and how to opt not to receive such emails. Your use of the Site signifies your acknowledgment of, and agreement with, our terms. We adhere to strong principles of privacy. You agree that we may access and use your user-contributed content in accordance with these Terms and we agree that we will only disclose your user-contributed content in accordance with these Terms and our Privacy Policy.
- search your rentals reserves all the rights, in which, we can deny the use of the site to any party or individual based on our discretion. This discretion may/may not include Phish, spammers, misuses of general nature and abuses or any kind of fraudulent activity.
- searchyourrentals.com has full faith in practicing equality, and we have this very clear policy, where we do not discriminate against anyone on the ground of race, religion, ethnicity, sex or place of birth.
- We don't encourage any means to detect any such thing in our practices and all our software and working procedures are clean from this type of discrimination. We do not collect demographic details prior to any deals.
- searchyourrentals.com has this firm adherence with the privacy policy. We practice highest standards and created this privacy policy to oblige and communicate with our business confederates in a assured and secured way.
Property owners personal data or information which can be treated as the mark of your identification, for instance your full name, your address, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, your current location at any given point of time, your rental property details and other valuable information which both of us believe is pertinent, will be collected, processed, stored and used only by us. Further it will travel in a reliable way and will be guarded under the instructions. At times, when we use a third party payment processor (stripe.com and PayPal), then you will be required to submit your information to them directly, in case we are handling your data then we have this clear caveat of storing it anywhere unless you require us to do so.
HOWEVER, THROUGH USING OUR SERVICES (SITE) YOU: Accept and agree to the fact that you have no objection in transferring your personal data outside of the country and other sources where our platform has a reach. As it is only to help you to diversify and create more business. It also implies that you have no objection that your data will be available outside your native land or country.
searchyourrentals.com collects your personal data from you for a primary object, where we can ameliorate certain processes for you and optimize the use of site for your property and business.
Following are the reasons for which we can utilize your data for various purposes.
- For services or to support your various requests;
- For the time, we need to contact you, in order to make an amendment in user profile or applications.
- To converse different messages that will strengthen the process of providing services on various sites.
- To accommodate people with whom you have done some business. For an example- if a traveler is showing any interest in your property and showing a keen interest in the same then we can transfer your details to him.
- Suppose, you are a traveler and if any property owner is offering you a great deal, then in this case we can also entertain his request to contact you.
- For customization of the services, measuring the performance of various functions, reporting for the various assessments and upgrading our collective services, content of presentation and advertising.
- To assert, scrutinize or prosecute activities we think maybe illegal, unlawful or harmful and to enforce our Privacy Policy or our Terms or any other purpose referenced herein or therein.
We have all the rights to disclose your personal information if, it is being demanded by some law enforcement bodies and adequate government authorities on the pretence of some legal framework. Like certain legal action or when they need them for the greater interest of the community or the society.
searchyourrentals.com can also share your personal data with:
- Our channel partners, if you've requested their services and wants to participate in some activities with them;
- A third party executing or performing services on our behalf;
- Websites in the search your rentals network and/or affiliates or other companies or business entities, for example if we are planning of a strategically planned merger with or sale to that company/institution or business entity/stand alone facility or
- Any third party that you tell us to share your data with for a strategic tie ups, we can also share it on social networking sites' such as www.facebook.com, Twitter or Google.
In a conceivable circumstances, and flip-flop of the events at search your rentals, such as- when our listing services, marketing, business or any other part is sold or over taken or some of its assets/part/liabilities or functions assigned to a third party under suitable legal frame work, your personal information, as a valuable asset, may also be transferred as a part of the main deal. Potential purchasers, new owners, their employees and their advisors may have access to data as part of the sales and purchase process and they can continue the uses till you withdraw or contact ends up legally. Likewise, your personal information may be passed on to a legal beneficiary who is taking up the reigns in interest in the unlikely event of a liquidation, bankruptcy, or change in administration and policies. In this condition he will be the heir of this data. We have all the rights to sale our customer database severally, from the rest of the business, completely or in a number of parts. We are free to make separations on our own. it could be that the nature of purchaser's business is remotely different from ours, too.
In general, we follow rigorous procedures, technical and organizational expedients to prevent the theft and guard you against unauthorized or unlawful use or processing and uses of your personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your personal data.
It is implicit with the general practices worldwide that in contempt of three tier backup plans, no system in this world is reliable and setback can take place. Still we managed some measure in our system where we are able to cut down this frangibility to a great deal. In our opinion, this is the suitable interface of the safety that we have already introduced here in our arrangement and working.
searchyourrentals.com has introduced an excellent security features for the betterment of our users around the entry, exit and access points of our data base. We have taken strict actions to control the access but still it is an interface where giving a contravention to a third party is a must. This is why, we or nobody else working in the same state can claim that they are fully secured. There may be some unlawful infiltrations, certain third parties may obstruct access and keep a watch on the transmission of this private data. If any such thing takes place and a mishap or misuse occur then cyber laws of the native land can take adequate actions against the parties involved.
Different parties involved in the business like service Providers, independent or institutional travelers, or other Users can make different other associations to another User through a third party website. These include social media tool, blogs, or some other method not involving our company or network. Without restricting to any other provisions of this Agreement, which release aforementioned Site from liability, you agree that our company or website is not responsible for any misinterprets, whether fraudulent, negligent, or otherwise, which may be done through such third party websites.
searchyourrentals.com contains various links to other Internet sites and resources. search your rentals is not accountable for the availability and working of these outside resources or their contents. We are not advertising them, and this is why, we are not answerable for the contents of advertising of the products or other materials which are detailed on above said sites.
Under no contexts, be about to searchyourrentals.com be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damages caused due to the interference of these sites/network/third parties or alleged to have been caused by use of or reliance on any content present in these websites, such as goods or services available on these sites, we are not responsible for the resultants of the use of any information that they provide to such sites. Any concerns and issues concerning any external link should be directed to its respective site executive or webmaster.
Our web server's report standard instructions and it is restricted to the fixed fields such as the IP address of the visitor, referrer of the visitor, denomination of the browser, ISP of each visitor to this particular site. search your rentals only collect the information which tells us about the domain you visited from (for example, google.com), but this does not compile or reflect other data like your email address or other private and personal information. The objective of collecting this information is to get a help in the analysis of the problems which may occur in servers from time to time, we also utilize this data in order to make sure that our website work more effectively and we remain in touch with the demographic profiles of our visitors
Unauthorized use: Any use of data, that is present on the website can be considered an unauthorized use. Unless and otherwise provided within these Terms and conditions, that we have specified in the contract so far and searchyourrentals.com has allowed you to do so. Otherwise you cannot do any of the following without the prior written approval of searchyourrentals.com:
- You are not allowed to Copy, reproduce, upload, post, display and republish any content on other platforms. Also you are not allowed to distribute, transmit, any part or the entire content in any form whatsoever;
- You are not allowed to Reproduce, present or showcase our content on your Website using any device or morphing technique including, but not restricted to, use of a frame or border or any other environment or color palate around the Web site, or other framing technique ( to hide) to enclose any portion or aspect of the Web site, or mirror ( any part or complete) or replicate any portion of the Site;
- You are not allowed to Modify or translate it into any language or computer language, or create derivative works from, any Content or any part of this Web site;
- You may not Reverse design this website or any part of this Web site;
- You are not allowed to put it on Sell or offer for sale, transfer, or license any portion of the Web site in any form to any of the third parties;
- You are not allowed to Use any of the robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to keep a monitor on the website, copy it or keep a database copy of the Content which is present in here;
- You may not Use the Website other than this to browse or submit similar listings;
- You are not allowed to use the Web site to make any false, superficial or any activity which can be considered as a fraudulent activity;
Anyone accredited to post data of this website. Posts or transmit any unlawful by the book, threatening, defamatory, derogatory of a particular region, cast creed person or for all, coarse, indecent, incendiary, pornographic or impious material or any material that could be considered as provocative or encourage conduct that would be considered as a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law; or for any other purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms; can be bring under the book and we are not answerable till the first information of any such post.
search your rentals is bound to prevent and stop the use or access to the Web site in any way that, in our equitable judgment, adversely affects the implementation and different functions of the Site, or any other anent computer systems or associated networks used by searchyourrentals.com, or works as an contravention on our procure or the copyright of our esteemed promoters;
We have the authority, and we can stop the Upload or transmission to the Web site or use any device, software or routines and functions that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, potential time bombs, or other general computer programming routines that may adversely affect, damage, destroy or attempt to interfere with the system, take hold of the normal operation of our Web site, or take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our computer equipments, or that contravenes directly or indirectly upon the legal rights of a third party;
We may stop and prevent the use of any electronic or programming device, software, or routine that intervenes, or attempts to interfere with the normal operation of our site, we have right to stop any action and take serious steps against it, that impose an unreasonable load on our equipment and systems; or that contravenes upon the rights of a third party which they enjoy in our domain;
LIMITATIONS OR CONSTRAINT OF CULPABILITY: searchyourrentals.com will not be responsible for any type of damages, such as, eventful damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use the data or materials present in this site or a site which is under the network and linked to this site, this implies even if there is a possibility of negligence on the part of searchyourrentals.com or a legalized searchyourrentals.com representative, or both but we are not limited to it. Here we would like to refer that 'some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of parenthetical or important damages', search your rentals culpability in such jurisdictions shall be restricted to the extent permitted by adequate law interfering in to the matter. searchyourrentals.com overall liability to you for all the losses you incurred, damages you meet, and causes of action (as mentioned in the contract) will not be higher than the amount you paid to access this site at its first place. Aforementioned site may be linked to various other sites which are not maintained by searchyourrentals.com. Because of this, search your rentals bears no responsibility of the content of those sites. Thus it cannot be said that we are endorsing any of the views or the information which is present there.